Celebrating Life’s Every Moment

Happiness is a relative thing. Some become happy seeing the smile of their near and dear ones, others seek happiness among expensive jewelry or cars.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said,”“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”. Nothing can be truer than this. Life is short and, we have so many things to done, so many commitments to fulfill. So I think we should garner happiness from every possible corner…..from every possible situation. Life is a celebration in itself, to me.

I need my family and friends to celebrate life. Life without them is bland and colorless. Last year when my cousin cracked the IIT and came running to our house, shouting and dancing all through the way, the scene, the news, presented some perfect moments of happiness to me. The twinkling of his eyes, the joy in his shout….I could feel the ecstasy along with him. I shared his happiness and became a part of it. Such moments of celebration are eternal and one of the reasons for celebrating life.

When my Mom makes my favorite dish, ( yes,  biryani)  that is instant happiness for me. Relishing on food that satisfies my taste buds and licking my fingers even after finishing the food, makes me happy. I celebrate those delicious feelings making my life more tasteful. No, I’m not  a glutton when it comes to food but I enjoy good food specially made by my mom.  Food, with mom’s golden touch, becomes heavingly.


Even in the mundane, trifle things, I find my own ways to be happy. I celebrate the ways of life, as they come. After a long day at the office, when finally I get a break to move down to the common lounge and plan with my friends for a hangout in the evening, I thank God for giving me the chance to enjoy life. A lovely text from my girlfriend in the wee hours of the morning sometimes provides me the drive to celebrate life.

Celebrating life has some other meanings to me too. When I put a ten-rupee-note on the hand of the handicapped beggar, who spends his whole day just outside my office, his smile feels my mind with happiness. That ten-rupee is note is nothing to us, but a celebration for him. Why not be a part of it?

Lastly, the best way of celebrating my life is my home. the home which was made by my father not only with money, but with dream and love. I celebrate every moment living his dream. He is no more with us, but I can feel his presence in every nook and corner of my house. Being with papa, feeling his invisible presence, is a celebration in itself.

The trees planted by him when bore flowers, they become a part of my celebration. Nature heals and gives me happiness in its own way.


So, that’s my ways of life- my very own celebration.

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All the pictures are clicked by me. Please don’t use them anywhere without permission.