Impact of Blogging, a Fantastico Journey

My blogging journey started exactly 18 months ago. I’ve been an enthusiastic writer since my school days. I used to write poems, short stories but was always hesitant to show it to anybody. That were the secrets kept within the pages of my notebook. During my engineering days, I almost forgot to scribble anything. The ideas either didn’t occur or when they did shine, I was too busy with my studies. After getting my first job, the ecstasy of earning and spending on my own was overwhelming and writing as a hobby was still to resurface. Then after settling on my second job and being in this IT industry for five long years, the monotony was rising slowly. Then, as a result, the writing bug slowly creeps in and, finally, I started this blog.

It has been a fantastico journey so far. Blogging makes us look beyond ourselves. I’m not a great reader, but since I’ve started writing on this blog (my sister has some contributions to this blog, too and I have to acknowledge her), I’ve resumed my habit of reading. I enjoy reading posts people publish on their blogs. Blog posts do reveal different incidents of their life and work and I love reading those tidbits.

The journey of my blogging is something very much like the new car introduced by Tata Motors. The new Tata Zica is a zippy car. It’s peppy, spacious, strong, fuel-efficient and is based on an all-new platform. The unique design makes it a fun drive. Similarly, blogging has opened new horizons to me. I have come to know of things and write about them which I couldn’t think of before.

The sojourn as a blogger till now is really a peppy one. I’ve made friendship with new people, they all have different point of views towards life and things, but they all share the same love, the love of blogging.

The most amazing thing is I’ve discovered one of my school friends here in the blogosphere. We studied in the same school for just 4 years and then his father was transferred to another city. But he was a good friend to remember. A few months ago, while I was just aimlessly going through the list of bloggers on Indiblogger, I happened to stumble upon a name that rang a bell. I visited the blog and emailed him to confirm the identity. The reply came within 20 minutes! We both were happy to meet each other after a decade. He runs a tech-blog and his main goal is to help co-bloggers with information and know-how.

As Tata Motors defines the design of the new Tata Zica as ‘expressive and exciting’, similarly, words scribbled on this blog are moving expressions of my heart. They reflect my passion for writing. I don’t write to preach, I write because I’ve something to say and the feelings are unleashed through words. Blogging has undoubtedly impacted my life by making it a better one.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.

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